Hope begins with a meal
Client: Phoenix Rescue Mission - Hope for Hunger Food Bank
Phoenix Rescue Mission reached out to me to paint a mural for their food bank. The mural sits in the lobby area of the food bank where guests are invited in and get to see this message of hope.

I was hungry and you gave me food
Client: Midwest Food Bank
Midwest Food Bank came to my church asking for help remodeling, organizing the space, and cleaning, but I wanted to contribute my special skill set. I also wanted a good excuse to try something I had never done before: designing a typography based mural.
Before I started the painting process I spent several hours sketching the Bible verse “I was hungry and you gave me food.” I incorporated wheat from the food bank logo, three-dimensional elements for the type, and a sense of motion that carried the illustrations across the page.

The Desert is Alive
Client: The Heard Building in downtown Phoenix, AZ
One of my wall mural concepts was selected for a creative office space in downtown Phoenix. Mesquite trees, cholla cactus skeletons, a Phoenix bird, creosote, rainstorms, and rattlesnakes are woven in the composition. I love the beauty of the desert! Phoenix is awesome, and the desert is alive!

Hope begins with a meal
Client: Mission Possible Café
Phoenix Rescue Mission opened Mission Possible Café as a non-profit cafe that employs the homeless. They asked me to paint a wall mural for their restaurant. I recruited some classmates to help me, and we designed several logo and wall mural options for them to choose from.